
Bucket Drumming Class

Introducing kids to the world of music and rhythm

Accessibility: No matter the size of your house or wallet, buckets are accessible.

Creativity: Bucket drumming encourages creativity as kids explore different sounds and rhythms using various parts of the bucket. They can experiment with different techniques like tapping, slapping, and scratching to create unique beats and patterns.

Coordination: Drumming requires coordination between hands, feet, and sometimes even other body parts. Bucket drumming helps kids develop their motor skills and coordination as they learn to keep a steady rhythm and control their movements.

Collaboration: Bucket drumming can be done individually or in groups, fostering collaboration and teamwork among participants. Kids can work together to create complex rhythms and synchronize their playing, learning to listen to each other and contribute to the overall sound.

Rhythm: Rhythm is the backbone of music, and bucket drumming provides an excellent opportunity for kids to develop a sense of rhythm. By experimenting with different beats and patterns, they can improve their timing and internalize rhythmic concepts.

Self-expression: Drumming allows kids to express themselves creatively and emotionally through music. They can channel their feelings and energy into their drumming, providing an outlet for self-expression and stress relief.

Inclusivity: Bucket drumming is inclusive and welcoming to kids of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. It doesn't require any prior musical experience or specialized equipment, making it an activity that everyone can participate in and enjoy.

Fall 2024 Registration

9/3 - 11/26

Wednesdays at 4:45 PM - Grades 5-7, Dallen

Wednesdays at 7:15 PM - Grades 6-8, Jesse

Fridays at 3:30 PM - Grades 3-5, Dallen
